Tuesday 26 August 2008


Danny Ford Is God is getting a new name: Block C. We changed the name because we wanted people to focus more on the content of our site and not the name, which has stirred some controversy in its time. Block C is, of course, a reference to Coach Ford's iconic Clemson cap

Please update your links as our new address will be http://www.Block-C.com

Monday 25 August 2008


I'm so excited about this weekend, I can barely contain myself. This is promising to be an exciting weekend given the obvious as well as our recent site change and the national exposure that we and the game itself is/are getting. Just the other day I was watching ESPN and saw the commercial for the game this week and went crazy as it was centered around Howard's Rock. You can check it out here. The new College Game Day site is up and running which you can also see. The videos on the site are a bit heavy handed with Bama's balls but still, it's looking good.

There are still a lot of Clemson fans that don't know their way around Atlanta. Given that some of my family is from Atlanta and that Chili lived there for a short time, we're here to provide some helpful hints and ideas to fill time for you folks unfamiliar with the area. First of all, you probably want to check out the Clemson Athletic Department's tips to avoid traffic due to massive road construction downtown and in the surrounding areas. Seriously, I've been there a few times this summer and it is hell. Don't just go gallivanting around without a plan thinking that you are gonna be okay. Once you get downtown, stay there or take a cab where ever you go. MARTA is acceptable during the daytime, just don't forget to bring your shiv as things like this can occur:

I'm pressin' charges!
(nsfw, kinda)

I've provided links to some cool things that might interest a few of you taking the trip to Atlanta. And if you can't make it to Atlanta, you can spend your time doing some online sports betting. These are loosely based around my own itinerary and are labeled with the days of the weekend as those would be the be the best days to visit said establishments.


- For you high society folk, I suggest checking out Kevin Rathbun's steakhouse and restaurant as well as the Krog Bar next door. The restaurant is top notch and the Krog Bar is a hole in the wall also owned by Rathbun that serves wines, salted meats, and cheeses while you wait to be seated at the restaurant.

- For you folks staying outside of the city (the side closer to SC) and want to keep it quiet the night before the big day, I suggest you check out the Movie Tavern. Great films, great service, and unbelievable prices. It's got pretty good food as well as decent prices. I know that the things I paid for there I would have to pay a lot more at any other movie theater. Oh, and they serve booze. And food. Like real food, not just the ballpark or movie theater kind.

- Lastly, is the Brickstore Pub. For you inexperienced or redneck palatted beer drinkers (I'm looking at you, Tiger SACK), stay away. But for those of you that enjoy testing your livers and putting down some good, high gravity, Bavarian beers look no further than this place. It's dark, it's cozy, and I promise you that this place will deliver. Just watch your intake. I'll probably be checking this place out. Not that far from downtown either. Just a brief cab ride.


- Essentially, I've heard that College Game Day will be broadcasting from Olympic Park in the heart of the city. Good thing for me as it's only a few short blocks away from my hotel. I'm pretty much dedicating my entire Saturday morning to gameday. I've been corresponding with a guy that works for ESPN, so, hopefully something cool pans out for me.

- Afterwards, most Clemson fans in the know will probably head to Stats Sports Bar & Grill, just a few blocks further from Olympic Park. Here is the physical contact info you'll need, but asking where it is will probably suffice. That place was rocking for not only last year's Tech game but the Peach Bowl as well. They have tables there with kegs in them. Cmon! That's freaking awesome!

- I'm sure there will be some sort of big-to-do with the ESPNZone in Buckhead given the heavy presence of the big red network in the metro area. The place itself is pretty cool and the last time I went I had a decent burger, but it's so far out of the way that I wouldn't worry about it unless you're staying in Buckhead.


- Ok, I know this sounds like a bad idea, but I'm throwing it out there anyway. Six Flags Over Georgia. Yes it's labor day weekend but it's still fun and the park will definitely be open on Sunday. Here's a helpful link to navigate around.

- There's also always the Georgia Aquarium and the World of Coke, but I'm assuming those will be just as packed as Six Flags would be. You could always check out the big Bass Pro Shop in Lawrenceville on the way back home for you South Carolinians.

Lastly, don't forget that on Monday, September 1st, Chik-Fil-A will be giving out a free three piece chicken strip meal to anyone wearing ANY football logo... be it college, pro, high school, pee wee, whatever. Check that out. I plan on going to the five nearest to me and making a day trip out if it. Why not.


Word on the street is some new concoction for uniforms.

Sunday 24 August 2008


Don't forget the deadline for the Mustache Competition is this Friday, August 29th. We MUST have all submissions no later than 11:59 PM that night. The password to write on a sticky note and hold up in the picture will be posted on Thursday. Also, if you want us to crop the picture to protect your identity, let us know in the email you send with the picture. Send your emails to 'dannyfordisgod -at- gmail -dot- com'. Check out the official rules on the competition by clicking "mustaches" at the bottom of this post. You should be able to scroll and find them.

Also, don't forget to make your picks for the Mac Cup no later than 5 minutes before the first game. I'm assuming the deadline is 11:55 am on Saturday, but go ahead and make your picks anyways before Saturday morning.

Lastly, the following people need to send me an email of how we know you or what your handle is so we can verify that you participate with our website.

Names that need confirmation: cutiger09, clemsoniceman, Oblong Balls Carried with Force, chicagotiger91, Korn Nutz, clemsonjaymo, Willy Korn pulls out, & magic hobo.

If I don't get an email by Friday letting me know who you are and how you participate then consider yourself booted from the group. Sorry to do this, but there's an expensive bottle of booze on the line here and I'm going to use my every advantage to ensure a fair contest.

Saturday 23 August 2008


If you're mulling over the pages of eBay and happen to be checking out South Carolina Gamecock souvenirs and apparel, you might find the following: RARE GAMECOCK "BOWL BOUND" COOZIE!!!

Yes, this is an actual coozie.

The description reads:

"Tired of staying at home for the holidays? What a great way to spend it by drowning your sorrows in alcohol because your team went from #6 in the AP poll to 6 - 6 and without a bowl bid at the end of the year! And what's more perfect to keep your drink cold than an ironic coozie that was made just a little too soon? What makes it better is that this coozie is as rare as the Gamecock's postseason appearances (13 overall, 4-9-0 record). Seeing as the Gamecocks have a 521-523-44 (.479 winning percentage) record in their storied 116 years of football, you're going to have to drink to watch them play so why not keep it cold?"

I can't wait until someone actually bids on this item. Check the seller name. Yeah, I did it. No, I'm not sorry. Why did I kick someone while they were down? They'd do the same to us.

Friday 22 August 2008


Safety Spencer Adams and middle linebacker Jonathan Willard have been informed that coaches plan to redshirt them this season. Both will be chained to weightstacks, tossed raw steaks 3 times a day, and poked with sticks 'till they're ornery enough. Bulkier freshman Rashad Hall will not be redshirted, however, and should see some time at the safety position.

Freshman phenom Da'Quan Bowers looks to have cracked the starting lineup. He had been in a near deadlock with Kevin Alexander, but a stomach bug caused Alexander to miss some practices and paved the way for Bowers. Upstate Today has the story.

Sophomore tight end Brian Linthicum has added muscle this off season and rededicated himself to the game. It seems to be paying off. More weapons for Cullen Harper is always a good thing.


CSTV has some common sense tips to avoid the massive traffic and construction delays that will no doubt plague Atlanta next week.

Clemson continues to move up the list of top public universities in the latest US News & World Report. Clemson moves to #22 up from #27 and is listed as a "school to watch" for the improvements and changes the school has undertaken.


I have to preface this by saying I am an avid Deadspin reader and they've earned their rep as one of the best sports blogs out there (splogs?). We've got a little bone to pick with them on one issue, however.

This preseason they are allowing bloggers from various schools to present a brief preview of their team leading up to the opening weekend. We submitted a request to do the Clemson preview to Deadspin's Clay Travis. We received a very polite response that he had previously chosen another writer. We certainly appreciate the work he's undertaken to provide us with myriad previews for the upcoming season. Understandably deluged with requests, he somehow decided to pick some Canadian motherfucker with zero connection whatsoever to Clemson to write a half-assed preview clearly strung together from a couple Google searches for the Tigers.

Read the preview here.

It consists of a brief mention of the more known faces of the program, requisite shots at Bowden, almost as much space devoted to DeAndre McDaniel as to any other aspect of the preview, and other information sprinkled about that could be easily gleamed from a College Football Live segment. The things that probably piss me off as much as Clemson being (I think) the only school previewed thus far by a third party (wasn't the fucking point of the gimmick supposed to be getting insiders' take on their programs?) is a brief mention of the fact that both Clemson and LSU having identically named stadiums, and the obvious fact that the writer is too lazy or ignorant to do a bit of research and find out that Clemson had the name Death Valley first while LSU used to call their stadium Deaf Valley.

Rant over. Anyway, next year maybe pick someone who's actually been to the fucking campus, eh Deadspin? At least go with a good Clemson blog like The Sporting Gnomes. Seriously.

Please feel free to email Clay Travis and tell him what a fucking load of buffalo diarrhea his choice for the Clemson segment was.

In a different way than RedTube videos, though. Check it out.

Don't fuck with the "Shinobi Warriors." Unless, of course, you have guns to counter their "throwing stars, swords, and nunchucks," which if you're a drug dealer you probably do.

Thursday 21 August 2008


Like some of you out there I love hip-hop. One of the best ways to stay on top of what's "hot in the streets," as the kids say, is to get the latest mixtapes. I cop mine from MixtapeTorrent.com. Browsing their latest offerings one can't help but be drawn to some of the more, uh, interesting mixtape covers out there. Mixtape covers: giving designers proper cause to Photoshop stacks of money, expensive liqour bottles, bejeweled text, and video hos at will since, well, whenever.


He's holding his mixtapes up inside of the mixtapes that he, himself, is holding up. Daaamn. Also, pinkies out, Jooz is a motherfucking gentleman.

More like hell up in the barber chair. Kudos for the liberally littered skeletons and awfully bad Remy bottle 'shopped in being somehow held by his clenched fist.

Iron Chef America host dude is NOT enamored with your swordfish meatloaf, Batali.

Nothing wrong with this cover, that just looks like an all-around good time.

Man, I hate this fucking part of GTA IV. Wait.... I think this is intended to be poignant and topical. Awkward silence. Is it wrong if that girl's expression makes me L out L?

Powder used the whole bottle of bronzer, man. This might be the best airbrush work not applied to a novelty t-shirt in a shopping mall stall. Matchin' hats half off, y'all!


Sometimes a piece of journalistic brilliance touches a part of your soul. Even the much maligned sports journalist can whip up a bit of literary magic every now and again that brings to light the human equation in the world of athletics. Then there's this gem from ESPN's Chris Sheridan in a recent article about the Team USA's march through the Olympics.

Deron Williams couldn't talk about the play of the night immediately after the game, because he was the Team USA player randomly selected to take a doping test afterward.

Perhaps he tested positive for that little-known substance called "gamechange-amine."


Sheridan needs 100 cc's of "cockpunch-amine" stat.

Furthermore, Sheridan is such a negative Nancy I don't know whether to hate the guy or salute his persistence in pooh-poohing the "Redeem Team." His coverage of Team USA basically goes like this:

Coach K chosen as head coach.

Sheridan blasts choice, predicts losses.

Team roster announced.

Sheridan blasts roster choices, predicts losses.

Schedule comes out.

Sheridan predicts losses.

Team USA blows out opponents, on to the medal rounds.

Sheridan says meh. Repeat.

Also, in this photo Chris Sheridan looks like the head sister from the Shawshank Redemption if he had cancer and was stuck in an airlock and his eyes had started to bug out from the pressure.

Oh, hi. When I'm not writing about sports I'm raping men in depression era New England prisons.