Gaines Adams - Way to go big guy, you probably single-handedly saved our season. Poor Jon Temple... not only is he no longer "well liked by his teammates" as stated in his bio, he's probably gone into hiding with all the death thr... wait, we're talking about Wake Forest football. Sorry, I got a little carried away. Not only do most Wake fans not care, but Jon and his teammates probably don't care either. Hell, I wouldn't if I played football for Wake Forest.

Daniel Evans - NC State's new main man gunning the ball down field. As a starter, he is 28/53 throwing for 369 yds, 4 tds, and one pick. Most importantly he’s 2-0 as a starter and his team is at the top of their division in the ACC. Looks like Chuck Amato got lucky and just might save his job... yet again. Daniel, don't do anything stupid, like f*ck up this opportunity.

Gameday Signs - Ever since ABC/Disney/etc has taken over Game Day, it has slowly started to suck. What has made me happy is the fans that bring hilarious signs such as "Lee Corso has a baby arm" and a Borat poster with the phrase "Jagshemash!" on it. I love it and I hope Game Day comes to Clemson. If they do, bring your A game, no JV crap. I think the GT game will be a great game to go to, especially if Game Day comes to Clemson, which is looking more and more like a possibility.

The West Endzone - Though we haven't really had a loud game in the Valley to see how well the WEZ traps sound, I can tell you this much... the game day experience of being in the West Endzone is awesome. If you ever get the chance to sit in the West Zone Club section, do not turn it down. I sat there for the UNC game and I haven't had that much fun at a Clemson game in years, even if the day did end kind of awkwardly.

Johnny Cash - If you've never really given the Man in Black a try, you should really listen to at least some of his songs. My favorite album is America IV: The Man Comes Around. Also, check out the movie Walk The Line. It made Chili and I want to take barbituates, get wildly drunk, and rampage the streets of downtown Clemson... all nine of em.

High School Football in Alaska - A segment from ESPN on a high school football team from the artic circle. Imagine a post season game for them... that is probably "infant killing" cold.

The name of this post - I know that there could definitely be a better title for this post, but I can't come up with one. Maybe someone could post some suggestions in the comments section. I'd be very glad to get rid of this name. I'm sure Chili wouldn't mind seeing it go either. Help me out or the cat gets it.

The color purple - Here's the run down. A couple of students on the popular college website "The Facebook" have created a group for people to join that's sole purpose is to recruit people to wear purple as opposed to the traditional orange to the Georgia Tech game. There are many reasons this is wrong. Basically they want to have a "Purple-out" game, much like a lot of teams will have an [insert secondary team color here]-out game. That is something FSU, UGA, USC, Wake Forest, etc do... not Clemson. I have many problems with this and would like to voice my disagreements here. My first and main problem with this is that it really makes me mad that students just want to change the perfectly good tradition that we already have in place here. My feelings on the subject are if you haven't followed Clemson your whole life, you shouldn't try to start new "traditions". Just wear orange. Secondly, the Georgia Tech game will be prime time on ESPN at 7:45 and more than likely it will be the featured College Gameday game. Most people that know Clemson associate us with the color orange and how well our stadium wears it. If I didn't know anything about Clemson and I flipped over to ESPN, my first thought would be "Wow, what a bunch of queers." My second thought would be "that's not very impressive that they can't get everyone on the same page colorwise." A diahrea mix of orange and purple is not very impressive indeed.
My third concern is the people starting this are probably just doing this so they can say somewhere down the road "Hey, I started that." I tried to post a comment on how I didn't agree with what they were doing and they zapped it so quick that the Tigernet mods would have been jealous. Just fight me on it, don't be a coward. In response to this, I created my own group entitled "Clemson has enough tradition, so be proud of it." If you're on Facebook, please join and invite your friends to as well. My fourth concern is a rehash of one of my previous concerns in that why does the student body feel they have to be different by wearing their teams secondary color... like every other student body in college football (BC, Penn St, USC, Wake, etc.). More importantly, this is just reinforcing the terrible fads that have already started recently at Clemson (ie the "woo hoo", Zombie Nation, Irish push ups). All I'm saying is JUST BE CLEMSON FANS. Other schools envy what we have here, so don't fuck it up by copying other schools "traditions." On a similar topic, I really thought that the "People who are gonna punch anyone wearing purple at the Georgia Tech game" group on Facebook is hilarious. Most importantly is that Clemson Athletic Director Terry Don Philips has worked so hard on his Solid Orange campaign that it's kind of disrespectful to wear purple. In fact, TDP had to drop some knowledge on us recently.

Wake Forest Fans - I'd like to thank all the Wake Forest fans for talking such unbelievable shit before the game on their message board. 30 minutes after the game, anyone who had anything even remotely Clemson related in their handle was banned from the server. Way to be a bunch of sore losers. Oh yeah, and way to file out quicker than Carolina fans after your meltdown. Maybe you could give them some tips.
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