- Terry Don Philips announced last Friday that the Labor Day game set for August 30th against Alabama is a lock. It will be prime time Saturday night slot on either ESPN or ABC. It will be held in the Georgia Dome and will be a night game. Also, UCF and LaMo asked out of their contracts for next year and we've picked up the Citadel *who has had some decent success against larger teams in recent years) and SC State. I like the fact that we're playing in state schools because they get big school money for those games that can greatly help out their respective athletic departments.
- We lost to UNC last night, 90-88 on a last second shot in overtime. Big congratulations to the following: UNC, because I didn't think they were getting out of there with a win; UNC fans for being the usual pricks that you'd expect most t-shirt fan bases to be; Our guys for pretty much dominating the entire game (I think that UNC only had the lead twice in the second half; The women's team for losing to Maryland 110 - 46; Oliver Purnell and the incredible job he has done cleaning up the mess that was the Clemson basketball program. Purnell also sent the following letter to Clemson students:
Dear Clemson Students,
I wanted to express a big thank you for your support last night in
Littlejohn Coliseum. Our guys definitely fed off the atmosphere that you
provided and sustained throughout the game. Although we suffered a
heartbreaking overtime loss, I couldn't have been more pleased with the
overall atmosphere. I realize that classes have not started back and you
made an effort to come back to school early for this game and I want to
thank you on behalf of your entire basketball team. We still have very
high expectations for the season and it is extremely important that you
continue to support these guys in the way you did last night.
I would also like to thank Student Government for providing the Oliver
Purnell's Posse t-shirts that were handed out last night. Thanks again
for your great support and I look forward to seeing you in Littlejohn on
Wednesday night as we take on the Charlotte 49ers at 7:30 pm.
Go Tigers!
Oliver Purnell
Willy Mac: Boda Pipes - My tried and trusted cigar and pipe tobacco store of choice in Greenville. They have a walk-in humidor, an open smoking bar/lounge, great prices and an even better selection. It's located in McAlister Square (Near the intersection of Laurens and South Pleasantburg) I absolutely love this place because they really do know their stuff and are not foreign, rude, or snobbish. Good people, good location, good cigars.
Chili: It's a little old, but I still have to recommend No Country for Old Men, which if you haven't seen by now you need to punch your mother in the face and then go watch it. In addition to that I have to share some of the stuff that's been on my iPod lately. First up are The Cool Kids, rappers out of Chicago who are the self described "new black version of the Beastie Boys" with a little bit of Lupe and Jurassic 5 thrown in. They've received some pub lately from that Rhapsody commercial you've probably seen. They have an EP out called Totally Flossed Out, pick it up for "Black Mags" and "Gold and a Pager," but the whole thing is awesome and well worth a listen. I've also been listening to a lot of M.I.A. and her occasional DJ, Diplo. May not be your style, but I love it.
Also, here's two internet fat guys reviewing cereal.
"Family size? This is family size?"
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