- Coincidentally, on Sunday night IPTAY launched their new campaign to raise $10 million campaign to expand the baseball stadium and help fund smaller sports. The budget will put new seats and stands beyond the outfield fences and beside the batting cages.
- Sticking with baseball, you Charleston area Tigers should attend the February 27th matchup of Clemson and College of Charleston at Patriot's Point. The game is at 5 PM and you can pick up tickets here.
- The Men's basketball lost to FSU in Tallahassee tonight by a score of 64-55. This drops
Clemson to a 19-7 overall and 7-5 in ACC play. KC Rivers, Cliff Hammonds, and Trevor Booker were the only double digit scorers. Check out the box score.
- The Charleston Post & Courier has a great article on Cliff Hammonds, one of the most underrated players in the league. Not only is he rising to the top of the scrappy Tigers lineup, he's an academic star to boot. He's majoring in pyschology and the most difficult and time consuming of all majors at Clemson: architecture. He's doing all this while having a wife and child. Oh, and he got a 4.0 last semester. People this great at everything sometimes just make you feel like crap.

Ashley Judd. Okay, she doesn't anger me, but the sports coverage of her does. WE GET IT, she's a Kentucky fan. We needn't be reminded of this every time she's at a game. Oh, look, there's Ashley Judd watching... SEC Basketball. I guess she's a better actress than I thought she was because she's managing to look vaguely interested in a basketball game involving Mississippi State. Come to think of it, she's a lot like her favorite basketball team. You know, in the 90s they were great and got a lot of attention, but they've made some poor career choices (Billy Gillespie, every lame thriller she's ever been in) and are generally irrelevant in 2008 and now when people think of them it's just sort of "meh."
Don't send me any more damned Facebook application requests. I don't want to be a zombie, or a pirate, or a ninja. I don't want to play Oregon Trail with you, either.
People who reminisce about the Oregon Trail deserve a good cockpunch. "Hey, remember when you'd like... ford a river and.. uh... your oxen would die? Man, that was awesome." No, no the fuck it wasn't.
I'm not going to rant about all the Ohioans in Charleston, I'm really not. It's a free country, move where you want. Some of my best friends are Ohioans. That being said, nobody here cares about your team. We know you love the Buckeyes. Good for you. In Charleston you're generally a Clemson or a Sakerlina fan. It's not that we don't believe all your yarns about how awesome OSU is, or that we don't respect your long winning history, we just don't care. Not at all. Not. One. Bit. And if I see you trotting down the street wearing a Buckeye jersey and a nut necklace I might laugh and point. Don't take it personally.
Willy Mac:
Pretty much everything Chili said with the addition of this: If I pay a car wash place almost 30 bucks to clean my car, then DO YOUR DAMN JOB. Please take the time to actually wipe down the inside and vacuum. Now, I realize that not many USC fans probably read this site, so please pass the message along for me when you see them. Also, enjoy the following hilarity of some guy that broke into a liquor store, then became trapped. I can't tell if he was already drunk, but I'm guessing he was.
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