Tuesday 4 March 2008


Hopefully everyone caught the Tigers' amazing comeback in College Park on Sunday night. The State has a summary of how the Tigers came back from a 20 point deficit and how freshman Terrence Oglesby drained a 3 with just seconds remaining to seal the deal on a 73-70 win. Clemson had three heroes in the second half: Cliff Hammonds for his tremendous block, James Mays for his steal and game-tying dunk, and TO for his coldblooded three that clenched the game.

Hammonds is one of the most versatile players in Clemson history, and is -- to reuse an overused sports cliche -- the glue that holds the team together. He is the model of a student-athlete and I feel he deserves for his jersey to hang in the Littlejohn rafters. Unfortunately, it looks like Cliff will be finishing out his memorable career with a broken wrist.

Catch Clemson's next game this Thursday at Georgia Tech, 7 PM on ESPN.

For your viewing pleasure: an upstanding Maryland fan has a snack then watches his team choke.

And..... WHAMMY

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