If you haven't heard about Solid Orange Weekend then [insert hilarious yet subtly quirky "out of radio contact" remark here]. Clemson's new found call to the motherland for pilgrimage has been issued. Thankfully, you have me to guide you through the key points of the weekend that would interest your average DFIG reader.
One of the main pulls is the home series against the #4 ranked UNC Tarheels baseball team this weekend. As of late, our boys on the diamond have had a rough go of things and pulling some wins out this weekend could be really exciting. Freshmen students can check out free giveaways on Friday at the lawn at Littlejohn before the game.
Of course there is the annual Spring Game. Last weeks scrimmage was apparently shit, so let's hope that our guys come ready to show off. The game is scheduled to start at 1pm. No idea if they're still having the equipment sales beforehand as they have in years past. I have no idea how the parking is going to go seeing as this is the first year they've had the Solid Orange Live. In years past, Chili and I have been able to roll up and easily find an orange spot directly in front of the hill, tailgate, and then walk right in that gate. As I say again, I don't know how parking is going to go now and also I don't know how cool the cops will be this year with drinking on the streets but if I had to guess they'll probably be pretty lax. Here's a handy parking site from the CUAD or check out a map below.
For those of you with kids you might want to check out the field day to be held on the lawn at Littlejohn from 10am till the spring game starts. Info can be found here. Also, I think there might be a carnival on the old practice soccer fields (now known as the parking field in the middle of Littlejohn, Fike, and Death Valley) in town so look for that. Don't quote me on that last one but I think it's in the cards. If it is happening, look for it to be going on all weekend. As cheezy as it sounds, it's insanely fun to experience one while hammered. No peer pressure, but I'm just saying. It's as fun as you make it.
As Chili mentioned earlier, the Sons of Clemson game will be held before the spring game and it marks yet another day that Danny steps foot on Frank Howard field. Here is some CUAD approved literature on the game with info.
I'm more than sure the Esso as well as many of the fine establishments downtown will be open before, during, and after the spring game. Personally I'm going to shoot for TTT's Upstairs because I like to drink PBR, watch grainy satellite feeds of random sports, inhale moldy Winston smoke, and have good ol' boys give me seething "Eat shit and die" looks for invading their private territory.
Also, if a few of you are planning on going to the ticket office to bitch about seat equity please do me two favors: 1) Just don't do it. This is the way most college football programs are run (which is the way it should be). The people who pay and donate more money get better parking and better seats; 2) At least be nice to the people behind the counter... they have souls too, even if they don't show it at work. Otherwise go sit on a rusty nail, pal.
For those of you with Facebook, you can check out the nifty and easy to navigate Solid Orange Live group.
Lastly, there are some pretty awesome acts playing on Friday (alternative and rock) and Saturday (country music) nights. Below is a list of some of the performers. Personally I'd like to check out the Wailers, Eddie Money, and Wyclef Jean. You can find schedules in that first link at the top or on the Facebook group page. Also, $35 for the regular crowd, $25 for student with CUID. Expect to pay a $2 handling fee at the gate if you don't pre-order. Pretty neat all in all in that since Freedom Weekend Aloft left Anderson, Clemson can step up and hit one out of the park.

UPDATE (04/11/08): If you're a commuter student that parks and takes the bus, don't even bother coming to class today. Just take the day off and start your weekend early. Parking and bus routes are beyond screwed. Near Death Valley is figuratively a ground zero for commuter students today.
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