Tigernetter TigerPaulS pointed out that the only two decades where Sakerlina has a winning record against us happen to be decades where most of Clemson's men were overseas fighting, as we were still a military college at that time. Maybe if a draft is enacted SCAR can get a few more over on us, as most of their students are probably too coked up to pass a piss test without Goldenseal. Also note that prior to 1960, every game in the series was played in Columbia.
1896-1909 5-2
1910-19 8-1-1
'20-'29 5-5
'30-'39 7-3
'40-'49 4-5-1
'50-'59 4-5-1
'60-'69 6-4
'70-'79 6-4
'80-'89 7-2-1
'90-'99 7-3
2000-05 5-1
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