One of the many warning signs of a true Kool-Aid drinking, zombified, Darth Visor fearing dolt is that they use a variation of a Gregg Doyel quote to denigrate Clemson, you know, since they can't use, say, a winning record or academic excellence to do that. I believe the original quote from Doyel was meant to dis NCSU basketball by comparing them to some inaccurate idea of Clemson football. While nothing that comes out of Doyel's mouth isn't premeditated to piss off someone for the sake of attention, it is particularly ironic that a Sakerlina fan would slander any other team's fans with the phrase "overbearing fan base too biased to see...reality."
Clemson fans have a quote that more accurately sums up our arch nemesis, "South Carolina Football: The arrogance of Notre Dame with the tradition of Wake Forest." Though this, too, is flawed, as Wake has more than one conference title ever.
Of course this Tiger took the silliness of our Cock-loving enemies down 26 in stride:

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