Monday 26 November 2007


The 2007 All-ACC Football teams were announced today and Clemson places 4 Tigers on first team offense and an puzzling 0 on first team defense. James Davis, Aaron Kelly, Barry Richardson, and Chris McDuffie all receive first team nods. Cullen Harper was tapped as second team quarterback. Clemson's defense is 10th nationally in points per game allowed, second in the league only to Virginia Tech, 5th nationally in yards per game allowed, again second in the league only to VT, yet they place nobody on the first team defense and only Michael Hamlin on the second team. Don't worry though, North Carolina placed 3 of their defensive wonders on the second team. Announcers referred to our D at times as the "no-name defense" and apparently the ACC sportswriters agreed. I hope you don't have to ask if the Tigers placed anybody on special teams All-ACC teams. Congrats to all the Tigers who made the team, and to Phillip Merling, you were robbed, man. Robbed.

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