Monday 4 September 2006

Week 1

Mmm... I can taste my Macallan already. Anyway, the first week of football has come and gone. The anticipation built up over a long, hot summer, finally was slaked and most fans are now left with more questions than answers for their team. I'll spare you the recap of every team, you know where to go for that. For Clemson, the toughest question is how to replace the anchor on defense, Anthony Waters, now gone for the year with a torn ACL. Can you chalk the four turnovers up to first game jitters or will this be a recurring pattern? FAU was able to, at times, confuse our veteran O-line with schemes and trickeration; will we adjust for future games? Is our punting going to continue to be a liability?

It was a weekend marred by serious injuries to some major players:

Clemson's Waters, torn ACL.

Wake Forest's Mauk, broken right arm and dislocated shoulder.

Louisville's Bush, broken tibia and fibula.

Charlie Weis, burst stomach staples after a postgame Varsity binge (no photo available).

This week’s game takes Clemson to Chestnut Hill for a meeting with Boston College. Willy Mac will be traveling up there and taking some pictures of dumb yankees trying to tailgate. If you make the trip, don’t leave Boston without trying a true gem of the old North End, Joe Tecce’s. Fuck Legal Seafood. A new DSOT is only a day away.

Clemson @ BC Game Preview

Random Book Recommendation: Rope Burns, by F.X. Toole.

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