GT 13, Clemson 3
I'm not going to do the normal postgame summary, as there's little to say. Tommy's Law holds true. No realistic Clemson fan was surprised by the loss or the ineptitude displayed therein by an unprepared team and poor gameplan. The Greenville News has a good recap, The State has a blurb about Mark Buchholz's Duke-like kicking day. The Tigers looked like a carbon copy of the team that got blasted by Virginia Tech last year, only with more penalties. The one constant of Tommy Bowden's tenure is that every year we have a game where the team comes out and absolutely embarrasses itself. Duke a couple years ago, Wake a couple years ago, VT last year, GT this year are all examples of this sleepy Tiger team showing up. I had really hoped that the coaching staff had learned from past blunders; there was big talk of 4-0 meaning nothing, we went up to NCSU and won a game we might've lost in past years, then we go down to play an ailing Tech team that just got jacked by Virginia and has a quarterback who might as well have limp Bob Dole dicks for arms and we make them look like worldbeaters. Our offensive line was about as effective as the US Border Patrol in keeping out the opposition and our one Minuteman, Barry Richardson, became a nonperson in a way that would warm the cockles of Stalin's heart. We went to a stadium (partially) full of Techies who have the smugness of Virginia fans and the loyalty of Miami fans and the stadium atmosphere of a 1-AA team and got our asses handed to us. Vitriol out of the way, congrats to Tech.
I am holding out one tiny ounce of hope that the team can rebound from this, I did state that out of GT, VT, BC, and Md I thought 3-1 would be the best finish we could hope for, but there's no reason to get too optimistic when Tommy's Law is still alive and well.
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