The Line: Clemson -17
Edge goes to:
Offense: Clemson
Defense: Clemson: Ranked first in the ACC in total defense, eighth in the nation in total defense, and first in the nation in pass defense.
Special Teams: Who knows
Intangibles: Clemson and the noise of Death Val... nevermind, no one is going to show up anyways. It is homecoming though.
Our Panel of More than Pissed Prognasticators Say:
Willy Mac: Honestly, from what I hear the team has a new fire now. They've already put the first half of the season behind them and I think they come out and beat a very hard non-BCS team. Central Michigan is a tough team, but we've had a bye week to get our heads right and I think we come out swinging CMU has the ability to be the Cinderella team in two years when there QB (Lefevour) is a senior. He kinda reminds me of Stefan Lefors, the Louisville QB before Brohm. This team should be taken seriously and I'm sure that Bowden has got the team back in the right mindset. Let's just hope that we aren't forced to play linemen like Bobby Hutchinson anymore.
Clemson 35, Central Michigan 12
Chili: I'll be watching the special teams closely in this game as a predictor of future performance this season. Similar to how the special teams gaffs of the Furman and NCSU games evidenced our deficiencies in these areas prior to the VT debacle, how we perform against CMU may show if any improvement can be hoped for. It will be interesting to see if this team can bounce back or if the entire season is in the shitter. You mean it's not now? Not really, there could still be some satisfying games in the 2nd half. Clemson's consistent inconsistency means that there will almost assuredly be some disappointments to come, but that doesn't mean I'm not going to watch, I'm just not going to care as much.
Clemson 33, CMU 21
Seigler: There is definitely a part of me that wants Clemson to get embarrassed , if only for the sole reason that it might force the Clemson AD to force Tommy out the door ( even if it costs 2.5 Mil). I'm sick of TB, plain and simple, he's done some good for the school, but I don't want to have a heart attack at such a young age, and riding the emotional roller coaster that is TB football, I think it just might happen, if not that then definitely liver failure. Ok, before I turn this post into a Tommy hate fest, let me focus again on the game. In typical Clemson style, I think we'll be able, in all honesty, to put up a grand old performance this weekend. I have it on good authority that we'll have some superior officiating on the field, and I know that the team, if not the coaches are ready to put the last 2 games behind them. Clemson, the whole team, has to put up a great effort this week to pick up our reputation from the mud, so to speak. I think the Tigers will do just that and dominate, even though I think Central Michigan might put up more of a fight than the average fan gives them credit for. Cullen Harper and Willy Korn both see the field in the first equal time game of the year, I think. I'm going out on a limb there, but Korn has been promised more playing time, and I think Tommy and Rob Spence might just be willing to split time to give it to him. Either way, it's a blowout in the Valley, and all the Tiger net fans will be jumping back on the Tommy bandwagon.
Clemson 48, Central Michigan 21
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